Heaven? Hell?

Neither heaven nor hell exists, at least the versions spoken of, and believed in, by Christians. I find it amazing that even when religious people believe they are going to heaven, they are scared to death to die. They are also extremely upset when a loved one dies, even when that person lives a long life. Why? They believe that they and their loved one are going to heaven, so shouldn’t they be happy? Of course, I’m not forgetting about the fact that the person who died will be missed, and that causes true sadness. But that is sadness for our loss, not theirs, if it is truly believed the departed are going to a better place. Eventually, it will be recognized that there isn’t any such thing as death in reality for anybody (not just those claiming religious superiority). And the day will come when we rejoice when a loved one departs this world because we will have a greater understanding of life’s process.

Hades means ‘place of death’, which it certainly is to the spiritual soul of man. When you descent into the darkness of the dense physical world and take a body, you are entering hell, viewed from the angle of the highest aspect of man, his spiritual soul, the father. Ancient translations and erroneous interpretations continue to plague Christianity, depriving its followers of a glimpse into the beautiful world of life. The focus needs to change from one of sin and crucifixion to that of life and resurrection.

So let’s talk about the reality of these two places, heaven and hell. With few exceptions, everyone on the planet is going to hell. What? I just said hell didn’t exist! The only hell you will ever know is right here on Earth, in a dense physical body, and it is an adequate one. You will return here many times until you have completed your evolution in this kingdom. People use the word reincarnation for that process but it can be more accurately represented by the term ‘rebirth’. You will be born here again and again until you achieve the heightened vibration that is required to enter the next kingdom.

Once you have put in your time on this plane you will transfer into heaven – everyone, without exception! Heaven can be referred to as the next highest kingdom in nature – as wonderfully different from life in the human kingdom and our life is from the animal kingdom. The plane of life is more correctly termed ‘The Kingdom of Souls’. And as I stated, everyone will get there in due time. No two people evolve in the same way at the same rate. We all have different experiences, some learning faster or slower than others, which accounts for the vast variances between people within humanity. There aren’t any privileged groups on the planet that have an early special entrance into this next world of life. None! There are, however, older souls and younger ones, all working toward salvation for themselves and for humanity as a whole.

And getting into the next kingdom of nature doesn’t complete our evolutionary journey. It is said there isn’t any end to the evolutionary process. So we will all evolve into higher states of being forever…however, I have heard it said – forever is simply a phase of something greater! How can that be? Forever is forever, right? Well, forever equates to time, and in the higher planes time isn’t, it has been left behind. Time exists so the brain can chronologically arrange events. Later you will exist in what has been called ‘the eternal now’, and a dense physical brain isn’t required.

Life is. God is. You will always be. Have faith in the beauty of life! It is wonderful beyond our wildest imagination!


“The spirit of man is undying; it forever endures, progressing from point to point and stage to stage upon the Path of Evolution, unfolding steadily and sequentially the divine attributes and aspects.  This truth involves necessarily the recognition of two great natural laws; the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect.  The churches in the West have refused officially to recognize the Law of Rebirth and have thereby wandered into a theological impasse and into a cul-de-sac from which there is no possible exit.  The churches in the East have over-emphasized these laws so that a negative, acquiescent attitude to life and its processes, based on continuously renewed opportunity, controls the people.  Christianity has emphasized immortality but has made eternal happiness dependent upon the acceptance of a theological dogma: Be a true professing Christian and live in a somewhat fatuous heaven or refuse to be an accepting Christian, or a negative professional Christian, and go to an impossible hell – a hell growing out of the theology of The Old Testament and its presentation of a God, full of hate and jealousy.  Both concepts are today repudiated by all sane, sincere, thinking people.  No one of any true reasoning power or with any true belief in a God of love accepts the heaven of the churchmen or has any desire to go there.  Still less do they accept the “lake that burneth with fire and brimstone” (Rev. XIX:20) or the everlasting torture to which a God of love is supposed to condemn all who do not believe in the theological interpretations of the Middle Ages, of the modern fundamentalists or of the unreasoning churchmen who seek – through doctrine, fear, and threat – to keep people in line with the obsolete old teaching.  The essential truth lies elsewhere.  “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap” (Gal. VI:7) is a truth which needs re-emphasizing.  In these words, St. Paul phrases for us the ancient and true teaching of the Law of Cause and Effect, called in the Orient the Law of Karma.

The immortality of the human soul, and the innate ability of the spiritual, inner man to work out his own salvation under the Law of Rebirth, in response to the Law of Cause and Effect, are the underlying factors governing all human conduct and all human aspiration.  These two laws no man can evade.  They condition him at all times until he has achieved the desired and the designed perfection and can manifest on earth as a rightly functioning son of God.”

– The Reappearance of the Christ, p 146-147, by Alice A. Bailey